Welcome to Bostr. A nostr relay aggregator for saving mobile bandwidth usage when using nostr. This nostr bouncer is bouncing the following relays: - wss://relayable.org (raw_rx: 5380514; rx: 275562; tx: 797; fail: 162003) - wss://relay.damus.io (raw_rx: 22802027; rx: 1389331; tx: 9550; fail: 528573) - wss://relay.nostr.band (raw_rx: 28737727; rx: 8856489; tx: 6244; fail: 500649) - wss://relay.snort.social (raw_rx: 3855736; rx: 393963; tx: 16; fail: 768686) - wss://offchain.pub (raw_rx: 5475935; rx: 1002821; tx: 10901; fail: 457034) - wss://relay.primal.net (raw_rx: 21541409; rx: 5184072; tx: 11902; fail: 402020) - wss://nos.lol (raw_rx: 23392617; rx: 5721372; tx: 12164; fail: 415858) - wss://relay.mostr.pub (raw_rx: 7616579; rx: 3753744; tx: 7781; fail: 431636) - wss://nostr.bitcoiner.social (raw_rx: 8228809; rx: 1387362; tx: 8285; fail: 427247) - wss://nostr.oxtr.dev (raw_rx: 18385594; rx: 4696197; tx: 11880; fail: 290742) - wss://nostr21.com (raw_rx: 3341007; rx: 685376; tx: 1053; fail: 199011) - wss://yabu.me (raw_rx: 10571993; rx: 1927155; tx: 6422; fail: 268551) - wss://relay.noswhere.com (raw_rx: 516222; rx: 44047; tx: 0; fail: 127485) - wss://nostr.globals.fans (raw_rx: 4788161; rx: 85219; tx: 6704; fail: 595698) - wss://nostr.coinfund.app (raw_rx: 0; rx: 0; tx: 0; fail: 117514) - wss://nostr.data.haus (raw_rx: 5179696; rx: 972058; tx: 12252; fail: 449360) - wss://nostr-02.yakihonne.com (raw_rx: 2241454; rx: 198390; tx: 10324; fail: 440292) - wss://relay.plebstr.com (raw_rx: 3786008; rx: 109858; tx: 3774; fail: 446457) - wss://nostr.blockpower.capital (raw_rx: 12290201; rx: 162418; tx: 11553; fail: 1609367) - wss://nostr.swiss-enigma.ch (raw_rx: 4385254; rx: 387130; tx: 11941; fail: 292978) - wss://eden.nostr.land (raw_rx: 5622647; rx: 386430; tx: 64; fail: 462632) - wss://nostr.mom (raw_rx: 12946584; rx: 3301673; tx: 11768; fail: 426516) - wss://nostr.fmt.wiz.biz (raw_rx: 11859670; rx: 800754; tx: 11453; fail: 410577) - wss://nostr.zbd.gg (raw_rx: 185883; rx: 52018; tx: 8; fail: 109941) - wss://nostr-relay.nokotaro.com (raw_rx: 12543; rx: 1780; tx: 5; fail: 114696) - wss://nostr.fractalized.net (raw_rx: 5372875; rx: 544641; tx: 11956; fail: 348424) - wss://relay.mutinywallet.com (raw_rx: 4403863; rx: 327429; tx: 11857; fail: 440088) - wss://nostr.einundzwanzig.space (raw_rx: 3569666; rx: 124765; tx: 9449; fail: 244920) - wss://relay.nostr.net (raw_rx: 7195198; rx: 1348169; tx: 11455; fail: 186292) - wss://nostr.lu.ke (raw_rx: 5524350; rx: 455167; tx: 11574; fail: 437394) - wss://relay.blogstr.app (raw_rx: 0; rx: 0; tx: 0; fail: 51115) - wss://nostr.mining.sc (raw_rx: 984467; rx: 230360; tx: 2820; fail: 299875) - wss://nostr.overmind.lol (raw_rx: 3853598; rx: 125130; tx: 10898; fail: 760942) - wss://nosdrive.app/relay (raw_rx: 0; rx: 0; tx: 206; fail: 971353) - wss://relay.noswhere.com (raw_rx: 516222; rx: 44047; tx: 0; fail: 127485) - wss://nostr.btczh.tw (raw_rx: 1280141; rx: 203507; tx: 9178; fail: 108303) - wss://nostr.zoel.network (raw_rx: 4810239; rx: 91460; tx: 10581; fail: 1512389) I have 14 clients currently connected to this bouncer. All bouncer activities in total: - raw_rx: 260138667 - rx: 45225847 - tx: 256815 - fail: 15816618 Statistics legends: - raw_rx: received events from upstream relays - rx: received events from upstream relays that has been forwarded to clients - tx: succesfully transmitted events that has been forwarded to upstream relays - fail: failed transmissions or upstream errors Connect to this bouncer with nostr client: wss://bostr:8080/ - To make connection that only send whitelisted kind of events, Connect: wss://bostr:8080/?accept=0,1 (Will only send events with kind 0, and 1) - To make connection that do not send blacklisted kind of events, Connect: wss://bostr:8080/?reject=3,6,7 (Will not send events with kind 3, 6, and 7) - To make connection that override client's REQ limit, Connect: wss://bostr:8080/?limit=50 or wss://bostr:8080/?accurate=1&limit=50 (Will override REQ limit from client to 50 if exceeds) - To connect with accurate bouncing mode, Connect: wss://bostr:8080/?accurate=1 (May consume lot of bandwidths) - To connect with save mode (Default), Connect: wss://bostr:8080/?save=1 (Saves bandwidth usage) Administrator Contact: https://cfblog.lepidus.me --- Powered by Bostr (3.0.7-1) - Open source Nostr bouncer https://github.com/Yonle/bostr